The Problem: When I shut down the computer the OS shuts down, the monitor loses signal and shuts off, the RGB on the RGB fans cut off. All of that is fine. The problem is all of the system fans keep running as if the PC is still on. The only solution is to hard shut down with the tower button.
If I shut down from using the PC for less than a hour it shuts down fine. I have to have been on the computer for awhile. (Few hours or more.)
Some days I don’t have the problem at all and it shuts down fine even after a few hours of use.
Sometimes it happens on normal use BUT it ALWAYS happens on a night I have been gaming.
Linux Mint: I had the same problem on Linux Mint. I was hoping it would solve itself when I switched to Cachy OS. I made changes on Mint and nothing fixed it.
Mint Changes
acpi=force FAILED
apm=power_off FAILED
reboot=bios FAILED
reboot=pci FAILED
Other changes
Reinstalled OS FAILED
Update the BIOS FAILED
Changed Shutdown Timeout from 10s to 90s FAILED
Shutdown using the terminal FAILED
Make sure secure boot disabled FAILED
CachyOS Changes
On installation chose BTRFS and Systemd FAILED
Enabled ErP Mode in BIOS FAILED
Clear CMOS and reset BIOS FAILED
This is as far as I have gotten. I am totally out of ideas and have just kinda been living with it. You will have to be patient when it comes to replies because it will take me a few days or more to see if your solution works or not. I have to at least be on a full day and some days it just randomly works. So figuring out what solution works may take time. Also I am not a power user at all. I am a hardware guy so I am new to a lot of this software related stuff. I may not understand most suggestions right away. Any suggestions or ideas are appreciated though!
How long did you wait before a hard shutdown? I have been intermittently experiencing this too on my laptop but all I had to was be patient a bit and it would shutdown completely.
Thanks for your response. I’ve seen you on the forums you seem to know your stuff!
I use a shutdown widget button and it has a delay of 30 seconds. I let it run its delay. Still same issue.
PLUS! One time I shut it down and forgot about the problem and left the room. Came back 30 minutes later and realized I had forgot and yeah the fans were still running. The OS, Monitor, and RGB lights were off but like I said the fans were still going.
Edit: I have seen a lot of people with this problem on laptops. It seems to be more common on them but I am on a gaming PC that I built. It DID have Windows on it and ran just fine. Oh and no I don’t dual boot. CachyOS is the only OS on the drive.
Maybe you can also experiment with different kernel versions on Cachy OS? Or test with a different DE? The bug report link you posted…does it contain a journalctl of a shutdown when the problem occured?
You could also try using different Live CD images.
But to me it sounds like it might be a feature of the mainboard/BIOS?
Because it has control over the fans and the sensors, maybe there is some logic that keeps the fans running after a high temperature has been reached to cool the system down, even after “shutdown” (there is no true shutdown/poweroff anymore for a very long time), just what I would expect after what you described with your gaming session.
I knew I would forget something! When I was using Linux Mint I tried multiple kernels and they all had the same result. On CachyOS I started with the default. I also tried the LTS and then the LTS-LTO. It still happened so I figured after that and the kernels on Mint it may not be a kernel issue.
I don’t think that link has the “journalctl”. It is just the link that the CachyWiki said to post when there is a problem. I can post it if someone can tell me how to do it without blowing up the page. lol Cause it is large. But I also doubt it will have any info. Based on other forums I see people saying it doesn’t show anything because the system “Sees” itself as shutting down fine. So maybe it could help.
When I said “4. Shutdown using the terminal” that is what I meant. Sorry I wasn’t clear. I used ALL of the different options and ideas I could find using “shutdown” and “powerfoff” and it all still had the same problem.
I tend to agree with you about it being related to the hardware some how. The only thing against that is it didn’t happen with Windows. But yeah I feel like there is a piece of hardware refusing to shut down. I even tried unplugging my controller dongle and anything USB related before shutting down to see if they were holding it up and it still had the problem.
As for the temps that is a good thought but I don’t think it applies here. Like I said, sometimes this happens even when not gaming. PLUS it is cold here right now and my room heating sucks. lol So, literally right now, at idle my CPU is 23C and my GPU is 32C. I mostly play Warframe and it barely heats up from that. The CPU usually barely hits 40-43C and the GPU sit around 45-50C.
Also I know there is no such thing as a full shutdown any more. That is why I tried applying “ErP Mode” in the BIOS to cut down the power after shutdown even more. But like I said above…no fix. lol
Being thorough and lots of time. This has been going on for awhile now. I have looked everywhere for an answer. Every time I find something promising I try hoping it will be the fix. I feel it is important because most people cringe at using the power button to shutdown. But honestly I have done it my entire life when there are issues and have never had it corrupt anything…It probably will now that I have said that!
The reason I point out it happening sometimes on normal use and all of the time after gaming is because I feel like there is something with the hardware. I don’t think anything is broken but I think there is a setting or something causing it. The gaming problem makes me think maybe it has something to do with the GPU. But the GPU is running even when not gaming. Plus, it happening on normal use and the fact that ALL of the system fans keep running, makes me point at the component connecting it all…the mobo
Who knows maybe one day I will figure it out and it will be something stupid. If I do I will make sure to post the solution to help others in the future. I appreciate you taking the time.