NVIDIA 1060 won't boot after installing open driver

As per topic, rebooting after Nvidia open driver installation (no errors). Boot is halt with error message:
nvidia 0000:01:00.0 probe with driver nvidia failed with error -1

Your GPU isn’t supported by the open driver. You need to switch back.

Thank you for reply, I figured that too. That said I tough open driver works with Nvidia 9xx series and above…

No it does not, it works with 16xx series and above.

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I have PC with i5 3570 and 1050ti - started…

and how ? means started u got it working ?

The graphics card giant Nvidia is ringing in the end of an era: the Maxwell, Pascal and Volta architectures will only be supported to a limited extent in the future. What is particularly controversial is that the GTX 1060, one of the most used graphics cards on Steam, is also a real crowd favourite. The good news for owners of these cards: There will be no hard cuts for the time being.
Nvidia zieht den Stecker: Wer diese alten Grafikkarten hat, landet auf dem Abstellgleis (German)

Yes, even played a game in Steam. True, at the start of the system, after rebooting or turning on the strip on the screen, as if the video card is accelerated. Overclocking. But he was not, he did not drive the card, he did not raise the tension. In a couple of seconds, the strips pass.