NTsync in latest Proton-CachyOS, Wine-CachyOS

Just tried, and it’s the same thing.

Marvel Rivals does not launch it’s launcher, but Overwatch 2 does, since it goes straight into the game.

Also, differently from before, PROTON_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 are also completely working with OW2, and with Marvel Rivals.

But still has the same sort of problem as mentioned here, in Wayland that is.

NTSync seems to work fine, just GPU usage are lower in wayland.

It’s 1440p, but Spectable only seem to take 1080p screenshots.

If anyone know any solution to low GPU usage and what to do about vsync/gsync not being fully disabled on wayland, let me know.

These two seem to be the only problems at this point preventing a full wayland migration in every usage point, at least to me.

I still think these two could be related in some way. Can't disable G-Sync in Wayland - #2 by random-user - Help - KDE Discuss



Wow, at least on X11, the GPU usage seems way more stable always staying at 97-99%, and the motion are way smoother, like in way I described in a previous thread, where the only way I could achieve it, were disabling some windows manager setting through winecfg, but that caused other issues.


If you are able to fix the launcher issue, this might be it. @ptr1337


I dont know if it was the Reduce Buffering setting or another factor, but now the gpu usage are staying on 90%~ most of the time with some improved FPS. With native wayland driver enabled. Maybe it will be improved even more on proton 10.

Coud also have been due to the setting mentioned below.