Need help with dolphin: create webdav-directory to nextcloud

Hey there,

I need some advice for creating a network webdav-directory in Dolphin:

The system is a fresh install, nothing done before because first things first I need access to my self hosted Nextcloud. I have access to the nextcloud via Internet by a ddnss-adress via Nginx on my server. I have access in the cachy browser.

I have three scenarios about what happens after creating the access to nextcloud:

  1. I click on add network directory in Dolphin and put in my data. Then I have access to the nextcloud… So far so good, now the strange thing:

  2. When I restart the system, log in in SDDM the system shows a blinking cursor for about 20 seconds. Then it opens up, I start Dolphin, click on the Nextcloud-directory in Network and have access to the nextcloud.
    BUT: after about 20 seconds later, the system suddenly switches to the sddm log in screen. When I log in again, the system freezes and needs a cold start.

  3. When I did the cold start, log in again, delete the network directory leading to the nexcloud in about 20 seconds the system goes to sddm and freezes after logging in like in case 2. BUT when I delete the network directory leading to the nexcloud in a few seconds and reboot fast enough the system starts normal without the blinking 20 seconds cursor and could be used normal, but with no access to nextcloud.

I tried the same access to the nextcloud by installing davfs2. I could engage access to the nextcloud. But strange enough the system shows the same behaviour after rebooting…

I tried this since a week or so and re-setup the system about 50 times or so, tried tons of different setting but always have the same result.

I tried the same thing with a parallel installed Linux mint and everything works correct immediately, and it survives a restart.

Are there any ideas what could be done?
Thank you in advance!

What is the reason you want to solve this through WebDAV?

Isn’t it easier to use the Nextcloud client and then select which folders you want to sync in it?
I’ve been using synchronization with my self-hosted Nextcloud AIO for almost two years, and everything works without any problems in Dolphin.

The reason is that I want to use obsidian on different machines and the vault should host on the Nextcloud. So I have access to the same vault that is fed and used from and by different machines.

How would you manage this?

Personally, I would install the Nextcloud client on each device and set synchronization only for the folder where the Obsidian vault is located on each device. This way, I would ensure:

  1. I don’t have to deal with WebDAV or any potential connection issues.
  2. Obsidian will work with “local data,” which will automatically sync to Nextcloud every time the project is saved.
  3. The saved state will automatically be transferred to other devices.

Of course, this can be considered under the assumption that only one device is working at a time.

Hey, thanks for your reply. I think I would give it a try.

But I’ll try to understand what is happening with the davfs2. In the ubuntu it works like a charme. Any idea about it?
