Laptop speakers not working properly

Sorry to bother so but i spent all night trying to solve my audio and still no avail . I have an hp dm4 3170se that has beats audio on it ( more speakers) .

I realize only the front 2 were operational and its driving me insane not being able to fix it.

I found out digging around the web that i could use something called HDA-jack-retask. But i can only find ubuntu commands. I also tried finding the pertinent file but when i got there , there was nothing on it so i assumed i was in the wrong place.

I also tried trying to find alsa-tools-gui but failed.

here is the more concise link i could find on it :

I got confused and decided not to try alsa related packages (using pamac) as not to break anything further.

here is what i have under audio on the info center in case it helps, thanks for any assistance you might provide, even if its just pointing me in the right direction.

I was going to paste here what I i have under audio on the info center but forums says its too many characters.

Please any help is highly appreciate i don’t even have an idea of what to do next.

Thanks beforehand, Its been days now and I cant let it go.

this contains hda jack retask

HI @mihalycsaba thanks for that !!! After reading your post I used yay to get it from the aur and then ran hda jack retask… After some fiddling around I discovered how to get all my speakers working.

However as i couldn’t

figure out to pin point what was what ( ie front rear, sub) i had to be satisfied with the fact i had increased base response and overall fuller sound.

Im attaching what my hda Jack retask looks like in case anyone wants to copy…

Im still trying to figure out why i have to do the retask each time i reboot(changes are not being saved)

If someone has a clue about that I would be highly thankfull.