Kia ora koutou nō Aotearoa! Hello everyone from New Zealand!

I’m currently backing up my Home directory and preparation for switching out to CachyOS. My current Arch install is almost 4 years old now and the one before that was 6 years old (only reinstalled as I built a new PC) so this will be the first time I’ve used something other than Arch in almost a decade!

Full kudos to the Cachy devs, maintainers and community because this is the first time I have been truly tempted away from Arch. I’ve had Manjaro on family devices in the past and we have a laptop with Endeavour but my PC has always been Arch.

Before Arch I had used Mint for about a year to find my feet after switching from Windows. And the last time before that that I used Linux was back around 1999 when I used Red Hat as my daily driver for a while (sadly short lived as it just didn’t have all the software that I needed). It came with a manual the size of an old school massive phone book and cost $110 (about $200 worth now) which was a lot back in my poor student days lol.

Anyway, just thought I would introduce myself and say hi while I wait for the backup to finish which is taking far longer than I would like (such is life with not having a heap of storage and having to use higher compression ratio) which makes it doubly hard to wait as I am actually finally exited for a distro other than vanilla Arch! :sweat_smile:

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