Issue with apparent random system freeze

You should make the swap file on that nvme ext4 partition because it’s fast, you can use that with other distros too.

Other than that, I’m not surprised minecraft doesn’t run well.

Hello, loving CachyOS!
I have the same problem with random system freeze. I noticed that if I unplug the power cord to my laptop, the freeze stops and all my keyboard inputs that I pressed during the freeze will be done after the freeze, for instance during the freeze I hit the Windows start button and the start menu appears after the freeze.
I can then plug my power cord back into my laptop.
I have tried unplugging my wireless mouse USB dongle and my network cable and if I remember correctly this also helped.
I have also noticed that it happens when I have the Shaders desktop background active, so a lead here could be the graphics somehow.

That is quite intriguing if I say so my self.

Good plan. I have done this and the difference is phenomenal.
I am not convinced that the issue is resolved however as have had the lock up twice now despite having plenty of RAM available.
The real issue is that there is nothing in the logs to indicate anything is wrong. If any one has an idea I would be most appreciative. I feel like applied a band aid and not sorted the wound if that makes sense :slight_smile: More for my understanding.

Do you have anything in the logs? Or is it like mine and it seems everything just stops and then carries on?

I’m just starting to use Linux, please give me the command for the log and I’ll post it!

I am keen to know if there are other logs but I used journalctl.
Here is a reference on usage:

# Show the previous boot:
journalctl -b -1

I was using this while I had an interactive shell but nothing really showed. Its quite powershell being able to filter so definitely check out the article.

journalctl -since "10mins ago"

Thank you for the tip Steve, I’ve collected all the logs in a json-pretty format. Somehow I can’t find it via the upload function in this reply. I have chown USER and it is visible in Dolphin, but not in the upload-window that appears to upload the file. How do I upload a text-file?
Please note that my laptop froze last boot, and it was a long freeze so I hard reseted the laptop. Please notice that I had shader running as desktop wallpaper.
Also please notice that it didn’t work to unplug the power cord this time, netiher did it work to unplug mouse USB dongle or network cable. BUT, I can hear the system notices the unplug and re-plug since it makes a system sound when I put my peripherals back into the laptop again!

@steve-rackham @Totte post inxi -Fxxc0z | paste-cachyos Let’s see your firmware too.

@Totte if you pipe the journalctl to this command you will get a link you can copy here journalctl -b -1 | paste-cachyos Also the number in the journalctl command means how many boots back from you want the journal -0 means current boot, -1 means previous, -2 means the one before previous etc.

FW can be found here: b3ea562

Today is 2024-07-17
journalctl --since today -o json-pretty can be found here:

journalctl --since yesterday -o json-pretty can be found here:

All logs journalctl -o json-pretty can be found here:

journalctl -b -0 | paste-cachyos

journalctl -b -1 | paste-cachyos

journalctl -b -2 | paste-cachyos

Its just done it again after being stable for a few days. Most odd.

I can’t find the post but I saw in another post regarding the same freeze problem when gaming, he downgraded the kernel to 6.9.9. I was thinking to do the same to try and see if it fixes the issue, but I can’t see the kernel cachyos/linux-cachyos ver. 6.9.9 category stable in the Kernel manager.
This is what I see:

What would the command be to install it?

You could try the arch kernel I guess, not sure how to downgrade. You could download the old kernel packages from here. CachyOS - Repo

I have another laptop with CachyOS, it’a an Asus Zenbook with both intel integrated graphics and an nvidia GPU.

Don’t know if you guys still are interested, but my asus laptop froze today at around 17:21.
FW can be found here:

Today is 2024-07-19
journalctl --since today:

Error message seems to be “jul 19 17:21:31 cachyos-asuszenbook kwin_wayland[16309]: kwin_wayland_drm: Pageflip timed out! This is a kernel bug”

You can try to downgrade the kernel. This is an issue from the kernel, which needs to be reported at

Btw is it okay to report bugs there first? The page says:

This bugzilla is for reporting bugs against upstream Linux kernels. If you did not compile your own kernel from scratch, you are probably in the wrong place.

Shouldn’t we report these things on the arch bugtracker? Or the cachos kernels are too different from the arch ones?

I’ll await Peters response for next step.

Good for you to know: I downgraded the kernel to LTS but complete system freeze occurred anyway with Shaders active.

Hey just to report it seems I have the same kernel crash :

inxi -Fxxc0z
journalctl -b -1