Hello, i can't install opentrack

hello, i can’t install opentrack .


when i try to build it :

-- User settings file '/home/keren/opentrack/sdk-paths-keren@GNU-Linux.cmake' doesn't exist
-- module api
-- module compat
-- module csv
-- module cv
-- module filter-accela-hamilton
-- module filter-accela
-- module filter-ewma
-- module filter-hamilton
-- module filter-nm
-- module user-interface
-- module logic
-- module migration
-- module executable
-- module options
-- module pose-widget
-- module proto-fgfs
-- module proto-libevdev
-- module proto-udp
-- module proto-wine
-- module qxt-mini
-- module spline
-- module tracker-easy
-- module tracker-freepie-udp
-- module tracker-fusion
-- module tracker-linux-joystick
-- module tracker-pt-base
-- module tracker-pt
-- module tracker-s2bot
-- module tracker-test
-- module tracker-udp
-- module video-opencv
-- module video
Install directory:
Compile flags:
   CXX: -ggdb -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic
   CXX_RELEASE: -O3 -march=native
Link flags:
Static archive flags:
-- Configuring done (1.4s)
-- Generating done (0.1s)
-- Build files have been written to: /home/keren/opentrack/build
[  0%] Generating moc_variance.cpp
[  0%] Generating moc_activation-context.cpp
[  0%] Generating moc_arch.cpp
[  0%] Generating moc_base-path.cpp
[  0%] Generating moc_camera-names.cpp
[  1%] Generating moc_check-visible.cpp
[  1%] Generating moc_correlation-calibrator.cpp
[  1%] Generating moc_enum-operators.cpp
[  1%] Generating moc_euler.cpp
[  1%] Generating moc_export.cpp
[  2%] Generating moc_hamilton-tools.cpp
[  2%] Generating moc_library-path.cpp
[  2%] Generating moc_linkage-macros.cpp
[  2%] Generating moc_linkage.cpp
[  2%] Generating moc_macros.cpp
[  3%] Generating moc_math-imports.cpp
[  3%] Generating moc_math.cpp
[  3%] Generating moc_meta.cpp
[  3%] Generating moc_mutex.cpp
[  3%] Generating moc_process-list.cpp
[  4%] Generating moc_qhash.cpp
[  4%] Generating moc_qt-dpi.cpp
[  4%] Generating moc_qt-signal.cpp
[  4%] Generating moc_run-in-thread.cpp
[  4%] Generating moc_shm.cpp
[  5%] Generating moc_simple-mat.cpp
[  5%] Generating moc_sleep.cpp
[  5%] Generating moc_sysexits.cpp
[  5%] Generating moc_thread-name.cpp
[  5%] Generating moc_time.cpp
[  6%] Generating moc_timer.cpp
[  6%] Generating moc_tr.cpp
[  6%] Building CXX object compat/CMakeFiles/opentrack-compat.dir/activation-context.cpp.o
[  6%] Building CXX object compat/CMakeFiles/opentrack-compat.dir/base-path.cpp.o
[  7%] Building CXX object compat/CMakeFiles/opentrack-compat.dir/camera-names.cpp.o
[  7%] Building CXX object compat/CMakeFiles/opentrack-compat.dir/check-visible.cpp.o
[  7%] Building CXX object compat/CMakeFiles/opentrack-compat.dir/correlation-calibrator.cpp.o
[  7%] Building CXX object compat/CMakeFiles/opentrack-compat.dir/euler.cpp.o
[  7%] Building CXX object compat/CMakeFiles/opentrack-compat.dir/hamilton-tools.cpp.o
[ 70%] Building CXX object proto-udp/CMakeFiles/opentrack-proto-udp.dir/moc_ftnoir_protocol_ftn.cpp.o
[ 70%] Linking CXX shared library opentrack-proto-udp.so
[ 70%] Built target opentrack-proto-udp
[ 70%] Running lupdate for proto-udp
[ 70%] Built target i18n-module-proto-udp
[ 71%] Generating opentrack-wrapper-wine.exe.so
/usr/bin/ld : ne peut pas trouver -ladvapi32 : Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce nom
/usr/bin/ld : ne peut pas trouver -luser32 : Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce nom
/usr/bin/ld : ne peut pas trouver -lwinecrt0 : Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce nom
/usr/bin/ld : ne peut pas trouver -lkernel32 : Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce nom
/usr/bin/ld : ne peut pas trouver -lntdll : Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce nom
clang++: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
winegcc: /usr/bin/clang++ failed
make[2]: *** [proto-wine/CMakeFiles/wine-wrapper.dir/build.make:75: proto-wine/opentrack-wrapper-wine.exe.so] Error 2
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:3079: proto-wine/CMakeFiles/wine-wrapper.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile:136: all] Error 2

Maybe you have some missing dependencies? Did you try opentrack from the AUR? Or you are using an incompatible wine?

I use wine-cachyos.
and I tried with paru opentrack I also have problems

There is also opentrack-git

Found this, looks like your error: Make Failing at 70% when Building with SDK_WINE: ON · Issue #1642 · opentrack/opentrack · GitHub

Try to install the wine package from the multilib repo, as far as I can tell it should contain the 32 bit stuff

sudo pacman -Ss wine
cachyos-znver4/proton-cachyos 1:9.0.20250106-2 [installé]
Compatibility tool for Steam Play based on Wine and additional components, experimental branch with extra
CachyOS flavour
cachyos-znver4/wine-cachyos 2:9.0.20250106-1 [installé]
A compatibility layer for running Windows programs, with extra CachyOS flavor
cachyos-znver4/wine-cachyos-opt 2:9.0.20250106-1 [installé]
A compatibility layer for running Windows programs, with extra CachyOS flavor (installs under /opt)
cachyos-extra-znver4/vkd3d 1.14-1.1 [installé]
Direct3D 12 to Vulkan translation library By WineHQ
cachyos/bottles 2:51.17-3
Easily manage wine and proton prefix
cachyos/cachyos-gaming-meta 16-1 [installé]
Meta package for Gaming including Steam, Lutris, Wine & several other dependencies
cachyos/dxvk-mingw-git 2.5.2.r8.g28a08cae-1
A Vulkan-based compatibility layer for Direct3D 9/10/11 which allows running 3D applications on Linux using
Wine. Windows DLL version)
cachyos/proton 2:
Compatibility tool for Steam Play based on Wine and additional components
cachyos/proton-8-cachyos 8.0-2
Compatibility tool for Steam Play based on Wine and additional components, experimental branch with extra
CachyOS flavour
cachyos/proton-cachyos 1:9.0.20250106-1 [installé: 1:9.0.20250106-2]
Compatibility tool for Steam Play based on Wine and additional components, experimental branch with extra
CachyOS flavour
cachyos/proton-experimental 2:9.0.20241223-1
Compatibility tool for Steam Play based on Wine and additional components, experimental branch
cachyos/proton-ge-custom 2:GE.Proton9.22-1
Compatibility tool for Steam Play based on Wine and additional components, GloriousEggroll’s custom build
cachyos/protontricks 1.12.0-2
A simple wrapper that does winetricks things for Proton enabled games.
cachyos/protonup-qt 2.11.1-1
Install and manage Proton-GE and Luxtorpeda for Steam and Wine-GE for Lutris
cachyos/vkd3d-proton-git v2.14.r4.gb121e6d7-1
Direct3D 12 to Vulkan translation library By WineHQ
cachyos/wine-cachyos 2:9.0.20250106-1 [installé]
A compatibility layer for running Windows programs, with extra CachyOS flavor
cachyos/wine-cachyos-opt 2:9.0.20250106-1 [installé]
A compatibility layer for running Windows programs, with extra CachyOS flavor (installs under /opt)
cachyos/wine-ge-custom 1:GE.Proton8.26-6
A compatibility layer for running Windows programs - GloriousEggroll branch
cachyos/wine-ge-custom-opt 1:GE.Proton8.26-6
A compatibility layer for running Windows programs - GloriousEggroll branch (installs under /opt)
cachyos/winesync 5.16-4
Wine synchronization primitive driver - out-of-tree module
cachyos/winesync-dkms 5.16-5
Wine synchronization primitive driver - out-of-tree module (dkms version)
cachyos/winesync-header 5.16-5
Wine synchronization primitive driver - header file
cachyos/winesync-udev-rule 5.16-5
Wine synchronization primitive driver - udev rule
extra/twine 6.0.1-2
Collection of utilities for interacting with PyPI
extra/vkd3d 1.14-1 [installé: 1.14-1.1]
Direct3D 12 to Vulkan translation library By WineHQ
extra/wine-gecko 2.47.4-2 [installé]
Wine’s built-in replacement for Microsoft’s Internet Explorer
multilib/lib32-vkd3d 1.14-1 [installé]
Direct3D 12 to Vulkan translation library By WineHQ
multilib/wine 9.22-1
A compatibility layer for running Windows programs
multilib/wine-mono 9.3.0-1 [installé]
Wine’s built-in replacement for Microsoft’s .NET Framework
multilib/wine-nine 0.10-1
Gallium Nine Standalone
multilib/wine-staging 9.22-1
A compatibility layer for running Windows programs - Staging branch
multilib/winetricks 20250102-1 [installé]
Script to install various redistributable runtime libraries in Wine.

this one should be it

sudo pacman -S wine
résolution des dépendances…
recherche des conflits entre paquets…
:: wine - 9.22-1 et wine-cachyos - 2:9.0.20250106-1 sont en conflit. Supprimer wine-cachyos ? [o/N]
erreur : un conflit de paquets impossible à résoudre a été détecté
erreur : la préparation de la transaction a échoué (conflit de dépendances )
:: wine - 9.22-1 et wine-cachyos - 2:9.0.20250106-1 sont en conflit

Try to replace it. For some reason wine-cachyos is a lot smaller, maybe something is missing from it.

Sync Explicit (1): wine-9.22-1
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
:: wine-9.22-1 and wine-cachyos-2:9.0.20250106-1 are in conflict. Remove wine-cachyos? [y/N] y

Package (2)    Old Version       New Version  Net Change   Download Size

wine-cachyos   2:9.0.20250106-1               -447.33 MiB               
multilib/wine                    9.22-1       1494.82 MiB     214.97 MiB

Total Download Size:    214.97 MiB
Total Installed Size:  1494.82 MiB
Net Upgrade Size:      1047.48 MiB

sudo pacman -S wine
[sudo] Mot de passe de keren :
résolution des dépendances…
recherche des conflits entre paquets…
:: wine - 9.22-1 et wine-cachyos - 2:9.0.20250106-1 sont en conflit. Supprimer wine-cachyos ? [o/N] o
erreur : la préparation de la transaction a échoué (la satisfaction des dépendances a échoué)
:: la suppression de wine-cachyos casse la dépendance « wine-cachyos » requise par cachyos-gaming-meta

you can uninstall this, it’s just a meta package I think

thanks it works now

Is it building?

paru opentrack-git work

did you try it with wine-cachyos?

I don’t understand your question
it doesn’t work

Did you try opentrack-git with wine-cachyos?

isn’t that what I was trying before?

I don’t know. Not important, I was just curious.

was there a way to specify wine-cachyos?