Do you use flatpak on Cachy?

I have used them when things wont compile and I don’t want to investigate, or just to see if it has the same bugs that the native program has.

In my opinion, there’s too many random options for package installation on Linux, at the moment. Sure, this can be good so that the average user can play around and get familiar and interested in the OS. The average user doesn’t understand that these packages are not the same as getting binaries more directly through pacman, or better yet, compiling CPU optimized binaries themselves with ABS, or manually.

I REALLY wish Cachy had its own badass package installer that was complete, thorough, and robust with a beautiful UI. I’m actually open to working on such a thing if anyone else is down with that idea. It (and a few other things) could really set CachyOS apart from all other distros.


Flatpak is also going threw a rewrite of sorts so it might get better

I love the idea of very good package manager written for cachyos please do it

Curious - is Octopi not to your needs? In what way(s), if I may ask?

I have never used flatpak, I can get everything I need from the AUR

Octopi works it just dosent look as nice as other package managers

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Flatpak is still needed to install some major software only available in this format, plex and plexamp for instance.