Yes, I already ran across this issue before and was able to resolve it, but SOMETHING isn’t clicking this time around.
I already went through the wiki guide and that ALSO wasn’t useful before because the actual fstab file for my first kde cachyOS install wasn’t in etc/ , it was somewhere else. After THAT hurdle, it worked.
Now, I’m handling the first steps of a home server, it’s running on XFCE CachyOS, and I thought “hm, this is probably going to be easier, /etc/fstab is actually populated unlike last time”.
Nope. After I formatted the extra drive as ext4, tried mounting it via fstab AND made the folder on /mnt, the drive not only didn’t mount, it wanted to mount to something else entirely. “/run/media/(user)/(mount folder)”. When I clicked it on the file manager, it didn’t even mount at all.
So, sure, I change the fstab to the location the drive wants. I restart and nothing. It’s not mounting automatically and whenever I click it, I’m asked for the password. After inputting it, the drive works, but won’t automount.
What am I missing?