Cinnamon desktop incomplete?

Question. I tried installing the cinnamon desktop on initial install and upon 1st boot my screens were all black. I did have access to the system and panels but no background was present. Is this an issue with the display driver not properly setup? any thoughts?

Have you tried setting setting a desktop background? (right click on the desktop)
Standard Cinnamon doesn’t have a background, I believe

no access to the desktop background. I couldnt right click at all. Its just a black void. I could display an app such as firefox over it but no other interaction could be done(at least on my level.) Im thinking improper display config on install. It reminds me of a wayland session with mint ive seen on other distros.

what does inxi -G return?

sorry had to un-install and revert back to mint/debian till I can figure this out.

We are shipping no configuration in cinnamon, but I did right now a installation and it looks like the screenshot provided in the wiki.

Thanks for your reply. I was looking for a manjaro alternative when Cachy was brought to my attention. The reason I was looking for another distro is manjaro provided the cinnamon desktop but put no effort into getting it right and basically just thew it in the box and never cared. I can only hope you re-consider the effort with cinnamon as for me and thousands of others it is our desktop of choice. We prefer it over all the flash and bloat kde and gnome but it gives us more than xfce can. IMHO cinnamon is the best distro for “getting things done”

It’s better to provide a “clean slate” and let the user customise it how they like.

That’s atleast my opinion on these DEs.