Can't manage hibernation with intel CPU and NVIDIA GPU


I need some advice on managing the hibernation mode. I tried for hours, but by now I’m almost out of ideas…

I have an i7 12700K on a Gigabyte Aorus Z790 Elite AX with 32GB of RAM and a RTX 4060ti 16GB.
I installed grub instead of systemd for boot because I find it’s booting faster, and I want to use the snapper integration.

When fresh installed, CachyOS uses ZRAM for swap. As far as I know, ZRAM does not support hibernation.

So first I disable ZRAM

sudo systemctl stop systemd-zram-setup@zram0.service
sudo systemctl mask systemd-zram-setup@zram0.service

Then I start gparted and generate a swap partition with 32GB size.

swapon --show


/dev/nvme2n1p8 partition 32G 0B -2

sudo blkid | grep swap


/dev/nvme2n1p8: UUID="296e2d67-e962-45bb-8bb3-7a8fbf318334" TYPE="swap" PARTLABEL="CachyOS-swap" PARTUUID="b3e91e4a-1a2d-425f-9cc1-6675c4b3bbac"

Then edit fstab

sudo nano /etc/fstab

and add the UUID for swap

# <file system>             <mount point>  <type>  <options>  <dump>  <pass>
UUID=F102-B14B                            /boot/efi      vfat    defaults,umask=0077 0 2
UUID=09863c53-0bb0-474f-b780-ef2f1e288527 /              btrfs   subvol=/@,defaults,noatime,compress=zstd,commit=120 0 0
UUID=09863c53-0bb0-474f-b780-ef2f1e288527 /root          btrfs   subvol=/@root,defaults,noatime,compress=zstd,commit=120 0 0
UUID=09863c53-0bb0-474f-b780-ef2f1e288527 /srv           btrfs   subvol=/@srv,defaults,noatime,compress=zstd,commit=120 0 0
UUID=09863c53-0bb0-474f-b780-ef2f1e288527 /var/cache     btrfs   subvol=/@cache,defaults,noatime,compress=zstd,commit=120 0 0
UUID=09863c53-0bb0-474f-b780-ef2f1e288527 /var/tmp       btrfs   subvol=/@tmp,defaults,noatime,compress=zstd,commit=120 0 0
UUID=09863c53-0bb0-474f-b780-ef2f1e288527 /var/log       btrfs   subvol=/@log,defaults,noatime,compress=zstd,commit=120 0 0
UUID=5153b110-760b-4ccd-aad3-d2e379efe590 /home          btrfs   defaults,noatime,compress=zstd,commit=120 0 0
tmpfs                                     /tmp           tmpfs   defaults,noatime,mode=1777 0 0
UUID=296e2d67-e962-45bb-8bb3-7a8fbf318334 none swap defaults 0 0

after written, update the system by

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

thereafter edit grub

sudo nano /etc/default/grub

and add the swap for resuming in the line

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT='nowatchdog nvme_load=YES loglevel=3 resume=UUID=296e2d67-e962-45bb-8bb3-7a8fbf318334'

after written, update the system with

sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Then edit the HOOKS in file mkinitcpio.conf

sudo nano /etc/mkinitcpio.conf

add resume after udev in the line

HOOKS=(base udev resume autodetect microcode kms modconf block keyboard keymap consolefont plymouth filesystems)

after written, update the system with

sudo mkinitcpio -P

Then reboot the system and it should work.

This is the first time I can see the menu-point hibernation in the closing menu, so far so good.
As I can see and understand, the system goes to hibernation when I click. But when I start the system, it shows resuming, but when it’s ready it shows as if it has had a fresh boot.
I did a bit of searching with ChatGPT, and it told me that there could be a problem with the NVIDIA VRAM and it should be added


in /etc/default/grub.

I did this, but no success.

I can’t believe that no one uses hibernation with Intel CPU and NVIDIA GPU and has not managed the setup for hibernation.
And yes: all necessary steps for power management in the UEFI are made.
Could anyone give some advice?

Thank you very much

Mhm, I dont have any expierence with hibernation, since I use personally only sleep which is working OOB.

You might want to do a bugreport at the nvidia forum? Does switching to the closed driver helps?

Hello Peter,

thank you for your reply!
Several hours later, I tried a few more things:

linux-cachyos-nvidia vs. linux-cachyos-nvidia-open does not make any difference… When I remember correct, you recommended to use -nvidia-open for the future in an older post.

You are right, Stand by works OOB. But for me, it was a problem that my Microsoft mouse and keyboard wakes up the computer when the mouse moves a tenth of a millimeter. That means when anyone leaves the house through the door beneath my room with the machine and the door is closed too hard, the mouse moves this tenth of a millimeter and the machine wakes up…

But there is a very neat solution I show here for others who could have this problem. I found it when searching for a solution months ago when I used LMDE6.

Read here and the easier solution here. This works for me.

At least, I can’t remember if hibernation worked on LMDE 6. Because I searched for the described Mouse problem this time.

Anyway, I hope there will be a solution in the future.

So keep on going with your great work!

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Try going into your BIOS settings and disabling “Wake On USB”. You’ll have to press the power button to wake your computer and your mouse will stop waking the PC.