Cachyos with Cosmic, how to do?

I installed Cachyos KDE Plasma last release and all works perfectly.
I’d like to installing COSMIC desktop enviroment, but I can’t.
After installing cosmic on Terminal I loged out and then loged in selecting COSMIC, but Cachyos got error and doesn’t boot.
Help me, please

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Well all I can say is I did it successfully, but I didn’t do it today or yesterday, so things may have changed (been there, done that).
There should be no issue in booting possible with installing cosmic, though I could see issues with the display manager.
Of note, if you can get to a terminal, try launching cosmic and/or plasma directly.
Since you didn’t say exactly how you installed it, I really have nothing further to suggest. Either you did something wrong or there may be a current issue with the packages.

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Thank you
I installed cosmic with
sudo pacman -S cosmic-session

Then, logout and login with cosmic


I needed to brute force stopping the pc

Though it shouldn’t be necessary, I assume you tried again after a reboot?
So, what exactly happens now, you reboot, the computer boots, and you get?

Oh, oh, you should probably ALWAYS use -Syu as flags to keep things on the same version. Run pacman -Syu and make sure you’re up to date.

The system is up to date.
On screen appear some error message, then the screen looks like is starting, but again and again and again and don’t start.
I have to reinstall cachyos, because is not more possible booting

If you want to just reinstall that’s fine.
Otherwise, you could check if ttys are available, ctrl+alt+Fn, which would indicate that your system is ‘fine’ and just needs some investigation and repair from the terminal.

after sudo pacman -Sys
sudo pacman -Syu
:: Sincronizzazione dei database in corso…
cachyos-v3 è aggiornato
cachyos-core-v3 è aggiornato
cachyos-extra-v3 è aggiornato
cachyos è aggiornato
core è aggiornato
extra è aggiornato
multilib è aggiornato
:: Aggiornamento del sistema in corso…
attenzione: sqlite: la versione installata (3.48.0-2) è più recente di quella presente in cachyos-v3 (3.47.2-2)
nessun aggiornamento disponibile

May I know the COSMIC version installed?

Well, while I don’t read your language precisely, that looks right…and nothing you said you did should have given you the results you have (I don’t think). Last time I reinstalled (careless overwrite while re-partitioning, last month I installed both plasma and cosmic during the install) it was successful. however, I’m using v4 where you’re on v3, there could be an unintentional difference. Alpha4 it was then, though it has since updated to alpha5.

[quote=“Emil70, post:3, topic:5914”]
where can i find v4?

That’s based on your CPU generation, so you probably can’t change that (it’s configured on install), as the compile optimization flags differ. Code of a generation unsupported by your CPU would probably not run at all.
I just pointed it out as a potential (unlikely) difference between us.

OS: CachyOS x86_64
:++====+++++=============- .==: Host: KVM/QEMU Standard PC (Q35 + ICH9, 2009) (pc-q)
+++=====+++==========: Kernel: Linux 6.13.0-2-cachyos
++++========------------: Uptime: 47 seconds
+++++=====- … Packages: 1051 (pacman)
+++++=-===: .=+++=: Shell: fish 3.7.1
:++++=====-==: -+ Display (QEMU Monitor): 1280x800 @ 75 Hz in 15"
:++========-=. .=+
+. DE: KDE Plasma 6.2.5
.+==========-. . WM: KWin (Wayland)
:+++++++====- .–==-. WM Theme: Breeze
:++==========. :+++++++: Theme: Breeze (Dark) [Qt], Breeze-Dark [GTK2], Bree]
.-===========. =
+*+ Icons: breeze-dark [Qt], breeze-dark [GTK2/3/4]
.-===========: .+
+: Font: Noto Sans (10pt) [Qt], Noto Sans (10pt) [GTK2]
-=======++++:::::::::::::::::::::::::-: .—: Cursor: capitaine (36px)
*************=. Terminal: konsole 24.12.1
- CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core™ i7-12700H (8) @ 2.6z
- GPU: RedHat Virtio 1.0 GPU
.===+==================+++++++: Memory: 1.35 GiB / 7.75 GiB (17%)
.-=======================+++: Swap: 1.00 MiB / 7.75 GiB (0%)
… Disk (/): 7.35 GiB / 15.71 GiB (47%) - btrfs
Local IP (enp0s9):
Locale: it_IT.UTF-8

That *fetch display seems to imply that you’re in a Kwin environment, did you reinstall, or get it sorted out?


PS The CachyBrowser doesn’t reopen the tab and no save the access to forum. I setted open previous

Yes I can only Kwin enviroment. If I log out and then log in with COMIC, cachyos doesn’t start

That’s very weird. Let me logout from Plasma myself and see if my Cosmic might be broken. I haven’t logged into it in 2 days.

thank you very much

You are likely missing packages if you installed only cosmic-session. Please install via the package group instead to get all the necessary packages.

sudo pacman -S cosmic

[quote=“naim, post:18, topic:5914”]
thank you.Have I to uninstall the actual cosmic?

You’re right…I was just focusing on ‘cosmic-session’ being the start command for cosmic. bop myself on head.
FYI (Emil) still works.