I was tired of buggy Plasma 6x experience and gnome is not my thing.
I heard many good things about cachy os i tried it in the past but went back to linux mint cinnamon because cinnamon is so damn stable and stay’s out of your way but unfortunately it’s not best for gaming because it’es outdated do i decided to try cachy os with cinnamon (Best decision i ever made).
First thing that i noticed was there is no wallpaper icon theme was awful and there were nothing really installed so at first glance wasn’t what i expected.
So then i started installing cinnamon apps like webapp-manager,xed,xviewer,pix,mintstick,celluloid,rhythmbox,hypnotix,lightdm-slick-greeter-mint-theme,lightdm-settings,mint-y-icons,mint-x-icons,mint-l-icons and there respected themes,bibata-cursor-theme and all my other apps including cachyos-gaming-meta and voila everything works and looks good.
So thank you Cachy os team for this great os there was work involved on my end but i got to customised it the way i wanted it with the apps i need no bloat and up to date so thanks again.