Booting simply stops

Suddenly the boot process stops - no error message :anguished:
cursor keeps blinking but nothing goes on…
Until then the system started everytime
any ideas ?

@hotte that happened to me as well about a week ago, and simply shut the machine down (cold boot) and rebooted and things was fine.
I hope that works for you as well, never found any reason for the first frozen boot.

tried for three times before I wrote that message
always same behavior…

Yeah that was probably a given, trying multiple times.
I’m still trying to figure everyone’s skill set on Cachy Arch.

Any Snapshots, or back-up’s in place to revert to? I can’t see anything wrong in your screenshot.

Some tips I use, Check cables and connectors, re-plug the Drive again,

Is it after an update @hotte

Can you post the Bad Boot s Log @hotte , maybe the devs might check it out.

no log accessible :sob:

I gonna reinstall

Well that sux mate !

I would guess that you got to go trough TTY in order to fix your install @hotte

@ptr1337 @naim & other in the know members can help you out on that part @hotte

Well, sometimes it s the easiest/fastest way to fix it, I guess that I would ve have had some issues otherwise, but don t know how.

got it
guess it’s a problem of cosmic-DE

updated the init and the boot succeeded