Black screen after update

Hi! I am new to the forums.

This afternoon i did an update (if i remember correctly it was only the mesa drivers). After rebooting all i have is a black screen. I cannot type anything. I need some help. My pc is an i5 10400f with Rx 6600.

Thank you!

I did ctrl + alt + F2 after blackscreen restart. Login and sudo pacman -Syu and install few package and reboot then it was fine.

Hope this will help

Thank you! It works now.

I was doing the update vía the cachyos hello. Maybe this was the problem? Is better to do the updates vía terminal?

Thank you again, you saved my day!

Hello, i am also new, i have the same issue, it won’t help. What can i do?

Thank you for any help provided.

Have you tried the solution noted above? It has fixed the problem for me.

Basically when the screen is black, access the terminal using ctrl+alt+f2, enter your username, then the password and execute a system update using commands (sudo pacman -Syu)

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The rescue shell is the helper in times of need. It’s good that you mentioned it.

I am having a similar issue. I ran a system update and now my screen goes black after the splash screen. However, ctrl+alt+F2 doesn’t seem to open any rescue terminals for me. I also tried adding nomodeset to reFind but that didn’t change anything either.

Edit: after pressing keys for a while, I did find that ctrl+alt+del will kick me back to reFind. Still not able to open a tty though.

@Midknight try f3 and f4 too

I went through and tried every F key with CTRL and ALT.